FIRST HAPPY BIRTHDAY "Giang", MOTHER OF LOVE! TODAY turn 18 and realize you're JUST BECAUSE THIS LIFE IS SO BEAUTIFUL BUT SO DIFFICULT! I HOPE YOU CAN ALWAYS BE FAIR, AS YOU WERE SO FAR, BUT I RACCCOMANDO NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOUR NEW STATE OF OLDER, WITH THAT I WANT TO SAY THAT, BECAUSE IT WILL SIGN THE JUSTIFICATION FOR ONLY, NOT DO YOU HAVE TOO MANY ABSENCES TO SCHOOL !!!!! And after this necessary note continued with another observation: ma secondo voi si possono buttare via 6 uova con tanto di zucchero perchè non riesci a montarle? ebbene ieri mi stava succedendo proprio questo: ho sgusciato 6 uova (non di frigo!) ed ho iniziato a lavorarle insieme a 200 gr di zucchero con le fruste elettriche, ma dopo 10 min non davano alcun segno di monta,e dopo altri dieci ancora meno! mannaggia,ho pensato, se sin'ora non si sono gonfiate le dovrò burttare e ripetere tutto quanto da capo, ed era la prima volta in vita mia che mi succedeva una cosa del genere! Ma non avevo altre uova nel frigo, sarei dovuta uscire per andarle a comperare al supermercato e non ne avevo assolutamente voglia e così mi si è accesa la lampadina. Ho aggiunto al composto prima un pizzico di farina, le ho continuate to work but still nothing except that I was reminded of the microwave and heat them, magic spells, spacing out in a few seconds of vigorous lashes microwave at full power, the eggs are miracolosissimamente inflated in the blink of an eye. Discovered the secret: as in my city has never been so cold as in these days, the eggs well, numb, had gone haywire! And you can not imagine how one egg mixture is almost unusable out a fantastic sponge cake, the series there is always something to learn in the kitchen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This cake was made just to celebrate the first 18 years of Gianluca since I do not like pastries or because you rob is why, homemade cakes are good wharf! This time, I wanted to try a topping with white chocolate mousse enriched with candied citrus peel and is fantastically liked by everyone. Again best wishes Giang.
What you need: 1 sponge cake (I used a 30 cm diameter made with 6 eggs, 200g of sugar, 150 of flour, 50 cornstarch, 1 piece of salt, 1 vial aroma orange, 2 teaspoons of baking powder) 200 grams of white chocolate
a handful of candied citrus peel
diced 500 ml cream plant already zuccherara
some candied orange slice
1 bathroom prepared: 300 ml of water 4 tablespoons sugar 1 small glass of rum, the juice of half a lemon to taste
candies for decoration.
I do not repeat in the preparation of sponge cake because all you are already expert in it, but if you want depth, look at the instructions HERE
Step cut the cap and empty the top of the sponge crumb that redundant set aside.
Second step: put 150 ml of cream in a saucepan and heat it then Join us white chocolate cut into small pieces and melt it all without ever bring to a boil then turn off and cool. Then proceed to assemble the remaining cream 350 ml (previously to cool in the freezer) to very dense snow. UNITEN about half and little by little, the white cicccolato melted, stirring gently with a whisk until the mixture is homogeneous.
Third step: take up the sponge cake soaked with wet, sprinkle the base with a handful of candy and then stuff it with chocolate mousse. Level everything well and cover with the cover; finish soaking wet even with the latter.
Fourth step: with a spatula to cover the cake with fresh whipped cream on all sides then decorate the sides with the bread crumbs and make some doodles on a cream to taste. Complete with a slice of candied orange and orange candies. Put in refrigerator per almeno tre ore prima di servire.
Naturalmente una fettina virtuale è dedicata anche a voi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ciao a domani per l'estrazione del vincitore del compli-blog.