The eighth commandment says: "Eat vegetables at least 5 times a week! Call the jokes! but this is a recommendation of nutritionists alive because vegetables provide vegetable proteins noble alternative to animal protein, are rich in fiber also have a low glycemic index and then adjust the level of glucose in the blood. Consequently, as I observe the letter of the eighth commandment, often I will propose recipes using vegetables.
Serves 4: 200g of dried cannellini
200 grams of egg noodles or pasta noodles without eggs
1 / 2 cup of tomato sauce
extra virgin olive oil 1 medium white onion
herbs: basil, bay leaves and chili
salt and pepper to taste Parmesan
the night before soak the beans in water with a pinch of baking soda and let them rest for 12 h. The next day, rinse and cook in pressure cooker with some water for about 15 minutes. Drain and mash half, taking them from the broth.
In another pot sauté the chopped onion in oil and then join all the beans (whole crushed +) and their broth, then add the past, then salt and pepper. Cook for about 3 minutes then add the chopped noodles with your hands and bring it to cooking.
While cooking, add a few spoon of hot water to keep the preparation soupy.
Once cooked, add basil and pepper and serve in individual dishes by adding parmesan cheese to taste.
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