WAR AGAINST vulgarity '
"The war has been declared against the vulgarity
and against the false decoration
mechanized and cheap
that civilized man now refuses bear.
But if the desire for decoration is the desire for poetry,
beauty, stimulus fantastic
fun in the etymological sense of the word,
distraction from worldly things
to rise to higher-order emotions,
this desire of decoration is heard
today so acute
and with a sensitivity previously unknown.
Harmony plans in space,
assessment a form ,
the determination of a color,
the geometric relationships of the volumes are perceived
real terms as decorative. Even a bare wall
now has a his strong compositional value
that could be destroyed
a bad painting or a decoration
morally and artistically unnecessary .
The color of a plaster or marble,
concussion a shadow
or proportions of a light source
elements are not occasional but took :
complements decorative
and at the same time artistic elements essential.
If you are currently lacking ova,
if all the calligraphy style
for us has lost all meaning
and if you do not miss it,
there are other accents repeated
that rhythm to the rhythms of modern
hyphens artificial
and less foreign to architectural content,
most obvious signs, but the most enduring and difficult
which tends architecture
in his quest for expression,
synthesis and absolute ".
"The war has been declared against the vulgarity
and against the false decoration
mechanized and cheap
that civilized man now refuses bear.
But if the desire for decoration is the desire for poetry,
beauty, stimulus fantastic
fun in the etymological sense of the word,
distraction from worldly things
to rise to higher-order emotions,
this desire of decoration is heard
today so acute
and with a sensitivity previously unknown.
Harmony plans in space,
assessment a form ,
the determination of a color,
the geometric relationships of the volumes are perceived
real terms as decorative. Even a bare wall
now has a his strong compositional value
that could be destroyed
a bad painting or a decoration
morally and artistically unnecessary .
The color of a plaster or marble,
concussion a shadow
or proportions of a light source
elements are not occasional but took :
complements decorative
and at the same time artistic elements essential.
If you are currently lacking ova,
if all the calligraphy style
for us has lost all meaning
and if you do not miss it,
there are other accents repeated
that rhythm to the rhythms of modern
hyphens artificial
and less foreign to architectural content,
most obvious signs, but the most enduring and difficult
which tends architecture
in his quest for expression,
synthesis and absolute ".
(Giuseppe Pagano, Current , No. 4, February 28, 1939-XVII, p. 10)