Thursday, June 10, 2010

Brothertroubleshooting Offline

TEXTS - values \u200b\u200bexpressed

Watch and recognize
"It seems that you can lead a life full advantage of the values \u200b\u200bwithout worrying about" expressive. "Indeed, at times they have been condemned as simply indulge in pleasurable sensations. This low estimate was supported by the special terms used in art to describe the nature of the paintings and sculptures (...) Art, it is commonly said, expressing "emotions" and is produced by emotional states. It comes from the "sentiments" and common sense. Now, in common usage, terms such as emotion feeling and not have a high regard. An emotional person is subject to irrational impulses, is a person who thinks evil and feelings, more often than not, connote a vague knowledge: a person who can not safely rely on mere sentiment. It's no wonder that a business built on emotion and sentiment arouses suspicion. "Concerns of Rudolf Arnheim ( Thoughts Art Education , Aesthetica Edizioni, Palermo 1992) - recalling what he loved to repeat words and Stendhal that art is a promise of happiness - lead us to a depth necessary to understand the deeper meanings of life.

Art education and the development of an aesthetic sensibility can not be relegated to the margins of the system. To see we must be able to watch and you learn to look a lot before I could speak. The relationship between what we see and what we actually know is an ambiguous relationship, and in continuously changing (as shown wisely Magritte). We are surrounded by images that recall and cite other images: you have groped to decipher what we can tell, what you ultimately want to see. The act of seeing can be considered almost a defining moment of a function to be linked be subject to our world, our culture, our ability to understand the forms, messages and visual materials in which we are immersed. Seeing is a creative act and not passive. Do not think only the mind but also the eye, touch, hearing, as they are able to avoid unpleasant feelings or so influential and able - physiologically - to amplify those interesting. These statements are opposed to one of the strongest stereotypes of Western thought that the senses are mixed with uncertainty and deception, and always will propose as a precondition of knowledge, not as a place of knowledge itself. But Kant already realized a different reality.


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